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Writer's picture: RHCRHC

11/08/24- 0923 hours: Crews responded for a vehicle accident on Interstate 81 southbound near mile marker 6 and- after while checking the single vehicle/area for hazards- were alerted for a dwelling fire at 7623 Molly Pitcher Highway South. Squad 3 arrived, confirmed smoke visible from the roof area and made entry locating a kitchen fire with a moderate smoke condition. Using a hand line from Engine 17-2 to extinguish visible fire, personnel confirmed vertical extension and ventilated. Additional extension checks, extensive overhaul and area wetdown was completed with last units clearing in about 2.5 hours.

11/08/24- 1230 hours: Company 3 and 8 to the Kauffman Community Center, 7289 Ruritan Drive for brush. Crews located and extinguished a smoldering tree stump.

11/09/24- 1219 hours: Box 3-02 alerted for a brush fire that extended to the attached porch of a dwelling at 3357 Barr Road, Antrim Township. Arriving units found the fire on the porch contained by the residents use of a garden hose, wet down that area and moved to extinguish fire in a wooded area to the rear of the property. Mop up was completed and remaining units cleared in about thirty minutes.

11/09/24- 1252 hours: Antrim Township personnel reported an unattended outside fire in the area of Reservoir Road and Long Lane, locating a burn pile adjacent to 10404 Grindstone Hill Road. Washington County Engine 27-1 (standing by at Company 3 from the earlier incident) and Engine Tanker 3 extinguished the fire and cleared.



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