08/01/2024- 1901 hours: Squad 3 assisted Company 9 (Mercersburg) with ventilation of a residence experiencing elevated carbon monoxide levels at 9072 Letzburg Road, Peters Township.
08/03/2024- 1645 hours: Box 3-13 alerted to 468 East Avenue in State Line for an appliance fire, arriving to a smoke condition from oven stored combustibles on fire. Crews confirmed no extension and cleared in fifteen minutes.
08/03/2024- 1700 hours: The RHC Picnic was held with good attendance from members and their families. While some activities were cancelled due to the hot and dry weather, Long's Catering provided a great meal and everyone enjoyed getting together for an evening. The Outstanding Service Award- our department's highest recognition- was presented to Paul Leister by President Mowen. In addition to being Fire Police Captain, Paul is a valued member of numerous committees as well as providing public education/event scheduling and oversight. CONGRATULATIONS!
08/06/2024- 1219 hours: Units responded for a reported tractor-trailer fire on the Interstate 81 Exit 3 off-ramp northbound. Upon making contact with the operator, no services were required- malfunctioning tractor diesel regeneration.
08/08/2024- 0957 hours: Companies 3 and 8 alerted for a vehicle accident on Interstate 81 northbound near mile marker 8. Arriving to a two-vehicle rear end collision, lane restrictions were established and all occupants refused transport. Fire and EMS units cleared with PennDOT providing additional traffic control.
